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10月. 15, 2023

密苏里州 Hope helps students practice skills in teamwork, communication, disaster response

A team of six first responders hiked down a hill Friday afternoon and into a chaotic scene overrun with people shouting calls for help or screaming in shock as others walked with dazed looks and severe injuries. The setting was 网上赌博网站十大排行’s annual 密苏里州 Hope emergency response field training exercise.

利亚Trumble, 他是斯普林菲尔德公园和娱乐管理专业的大四学生, 内布拉斯加州, was among those first responders who entered the scene and took on the task of searching buildings and tending to victims at the direction of her team’s incident commander.

After about an hour, the simulation paused to reset and Trumble was out of breath. Trumble, who said she participated in the disaster exercise to learn about responding to rescues and other stressful situations, said communication to support the response team’s success and assist as many victims as possible was a key component within the simulation.

“我知道这真的很难,”她说. “不过这很有趣. 我喜欢在压力下工作.”

A team of first responders discuss their plan for helping and treating victims during 密苏里州 Hope. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://zxn.neijianggwy.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

A team of first responders discuss their plan for helping and treating victims during 密苏里州 Hope. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/网上赌博网站十大排行)

在模拟的框架内, an overnight severe weather system produced tornadic weather that impacted several northwest 密苏里州 towns and townships. 国家应急管理机构证实房屋严重受损, 堵塞的道路和碎片, power outages and an unconfirmed number of individuals needing medical attention.

While the three-day simulation played out Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Mozingo户外教育休闲区 (MOERA), the fictional town of Redden Village served as the epicenter of response efforts. 在那里, 特朗布尔和她的团队不得不照顾41个被割伤的角色扮演受害者, 四肢断裂,更严重的伤害导致死亡.

A first responder assists a victim during Friday's annual 密苏里州 Hope emergency response field training exercise. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://zxn.neijianggwy.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

A first responder assists a victim during Friday's annual 密苏里州 Hope emergency response field training exercise. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/网上赌博网站十大排行)

战地医院配备了医务人员和军事人员, 在密苏里霍普期间受害者被带到哪里治疗. (提交的图)

战地医院配备了医务人员和军事人员, 在密苏里霍普期间受害者被带到哪里治疗. (提交的图)

Among other tasks during 密苏里州 Hope, teams were challenged with a water rescue at Mozingo Lake. (提交的图)

Among other tasks during 密苏里州 Hope, teams were challenged with a water rescue at Mozingo Lake. (提交的图)

A team of first responders transports a victim to a treatment center during 密苏里州 Hope. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://zxn.neijianggwy.com'>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>)

A team of first responders transports a victim to a treatment center during 密苏里州 Hope. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/网上赌博网站十大排行)

在其他地方,在MOERA的绳索挑战课程中,一个团队通过了 奥德赛 to simulate a high-angle rescue of a small child over a washed-out bridge. 在莫辛哥湖海湾, 另一个小组负责水上救援, 正好是在找一个失踪的孩子. 在雷登村附近的山顶上, 战地医院配备了医务人员和军事人员, 受害者被带到哪里接受治疗.

While the disaster simulation teaches participants about task-related skills – such as search and rescue, first aid and incident command systems – they also build process skills related to leadership, 积极的追随者和建立高效的团队.

在绳索挑战课程上, 戴尔·谢弗, a sophomore 紧急情况和灾害管理 major from Mountain Grove, 密苏里州, 和艾丽莎·海斯, 克雷斯顿大学应急与灾害管理专业大三学生, 爱荷华州, honed their team-building skills and communication to successfully complete their rescue. 两人都想从事执法工作. 

“We all have our own kind of expertise and niches that we’ve brought into it,” Hays said. “So getting to mesh and make connections with new people – and then along with obviously doing the scenarios – it’s great.”

谢弗说, “It definitely is a really good time to come out here and learn new things –  things that you aren’t so comfortable with and knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are as a team member.”

Freshman 紧急情况和灾害管理 major Sarah 雷 was part of the team working the water rescue Friday afternoon. 雷, 已经在霍普金斯当消防员了吗, 密苏里州, 希望通过参加密苏里希望来加深她的知识.

“如果你通过实践而不是说教来学习, 我很感激西北航空公司做了这件事,雷说.

从2013年的第一年开始, 密苏里州 Hope has evolved and expanded into a three-day multidisciplinary mass casualty training experience that is required for Northwest students studying majors or minors in 紧急情况和灾害管理 (EDM). 

The event includes a rotation of distinct training exercises for students as well as emergency personnel in medical, 警察, 火力和武装力量. 场景包括搜索和救援, assessment of traumatic injuries and evacuation from difficult terrains, 比如悬崖和河流.

In addition to the dozens of students participating in the exercise and volunteers who worked throughout the weekend as staff members, 172 volunteers of all ages played the roles of victims and brought a sense of reality to the training. The role players are made up to resemble victims with an assortment of physical injuries typically sustained during floods and tornados.

密苏里希望每年秋天都由网上赌博网站十大排行赞助 人道主义服务和教育联合会, a non-profit organization that coordinates full immersion experiences for individuals in the fields of disaster response and humanitarian relief. 合作机构包括玛丽维尔公共安全, 诺达威和布坎南县应急管理中心, 诺达威县救护区, LifeFlight和LifeNet空中救护车, SEMA H区海洋有害物质小组, the 129th Field Artillery Battalion 密苏里州 Army National Guard and the 139th Airlift Wing of the 密苏里州 National Guard.

The exercise also attracts students from colleges and universities throughout the country, including students this year from the University of 密苏里州—Kansas City, 北俄克拉荷马学院, 南卡罗来纳的城堡和纽约的奥尔巴尼大学. Faculty representing the attending institutions also provided their expertise to the training exercise, including instructors from The Citadel who presented about developing high-performing teams.

网上赌博网站十大排行有很多来自这些地方的人才, 正是学校之间的合作让这一切成为可能,约翰·卡尔说, who is executive director of the 人道主义服务和教育联合会 and previously was the coordinator of Northwest’s 紧急情况和灾害管理 program.

MOERA是一个320英亩的地块,位于莫辛哥湖休闲公园, 位于玛丽维尔东部的46号公路上. MOERA is operated by Northwest’s School of Health Science and Wellness and provides a variety of outdoor education and recreation opportunities, 包括挑战课程, 陷阱射击和射箭, 独木舟和皮划艇, 以及户外研究领域.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

